Unfocused Busy . . .

   . . . talk small, WALK BIG

Is this you?

  • You react so quickly when faced with a challenge or opportunity you plunge in before you even know what you are doing, much less why and you won’t stop until you are done, whatever that means, no matter what.
  • You hear the phrase “work life balance” and visualize a tightrope over the Grand Canyon where one side is work and the other is life and you are walking back and forth across the rope every day, endlessly busy.
  • You are certain that if you could manage your time better you could get everything done in a day but you don’t have time to attend the time management seminar.
  • You are convinced that you can create a 25 hour day if you Just. Keep. Trying!
  • Your standard reply to the greeting how are you is, “Busy, so, so busy… but that is OK, next week it should settle down.
  • You are so convinced that if you stopped long enough to ask yourself “why?” you would be turned into a pillar of salt so you keep running–in circles.
  • You have NO idea what it would feel like to ask for help, guidance or support…really, no idea at all.
  • You read the introduction and conclusion of a self-help book, convinced that you can skip past all that blah-why-blah in between.

If you saw yourself in any of the above, I am so glad that you made the time to read all 8 of those bullet points!  You must really be ready to make a change.   Either that or you are reading this while simultaneously jogging on the treadmill, brushing your teeth and writing a report for work.

Well I hope you can spare a few more minutes to read a little bit more about the results you can expect from coaching and then eek out a couple minutes more to contact me.