Intertia . . .

     . . . aka TALK BIG, walk small

Is this you?

  • You dig deep and gather as much information as you can and talk about options to the point that there are times you actually fool yourself into thinking you can expect results just from having insight.
  • You know you are stuck and you used to think it was OK because at least you were aware of that… but now you are starting to disgust yourself with the oratory flair you have for covering up your  stuckness and calling it stillness.
  • You read self help and inspirational books and feel dizzy with possibilities, in fact you get so dizzy you find yourself walking in mental circles
  • Your read self help and inspirational books quickly, so eager to keep reading you skip past the practical exercises promising to go back and do them later, and before you can, you are on to the next “it” book.
  • You have a clearly defined vision of what you want; trouble is the only action you have taken to make that vision your reality is to purchase all the arts and crafts supplies to create a beautiful vision board.
  • You have noticed that you utter a lot of sentences that start with “maybe if I” . . .  lived in the now, loved what is, embraced my destiny, ate more fiber, was more accepting, was less afraid…then I would be able to make the changes I want.
  • You have written detailed plans, an almost minute by minute schedule of exactly what you will do to achieve your goals, and somewhere along the line it occurs to you that you have spent more time and energy planning the plan than working the plan.
  • You have no idea what you want for yourself, but you are crystal clear what you SHOULD want, after all you have journaled A LOT.
  • You believe that wanting something better for yourself is an indication that you are ungrateful for what you have.
  • You know that you “should” reach out for help and you tell yourself you are not really opposed to it, but you are not ready to because you really need to finish reading this great new book on receiving help.
  • You know that you would benefit from some accountability, but you have not yet read that book and you are not sure how you would go about getting someone to help with that.

If you saw yourself in any of the above I bet you are hoping that you can carve out a 72 hour window of free time to read every single book I recommend and every blog I have written, talk to your friends about it and then write at least 30 journal pages BEFORE you contact me.  So…although this is a risky proposal because it may be just-another-insightful-diversion (JAID), I challenge you to commit to reading this next section ONLY and then taking the action proposed at the end.

Q:  Three frogs are sitting on a lily pad and one decides to jump off, how many are left on the lily pad?

A:  Three frogs are left, one only DECIDED to jump.

With all due sensitivity to anyone who has suffered though a hurricane I offer this tale:  A terrible storm was flooding a town and everyone was ordered to evacuate.  But there was one woman who was convinced that her faith (in her higher power, self help books and journal) was all she needed to keep her safe and so she stayed.  As the floodwaters rose, a rescue worker with a 4-wheel drive truck knocked on her door and offered to take her to higher ground and she refused saying that her faith in her higher-power (HP) was all she needed, and her HP would save her, thank you very much.  She continued to read and journal. The waters continued to rise and several more attempts by boat and helicopter were made to save her.  Eventually she drowned in the flood.  When she met her HP and asked why HP let her drown when she was so faithful and devoted, HP said, “I sent you a truck, a boat and a helicopter, what else where you waiting for?”

Well what are you waiting for?  Jump!

Oh, you are still here?  Well in that case, let me explain the results you can look forward to when we work together.