My Kind of Client

You might be under the impression that I will coach anyone that breathes, uh, not so much.  I have preferences that took me some time to sort out for myself.

You are my kind of client if:

  • You are willing to acknowledge where/how you are, even if you need a little help to figure it out because you are fed up with denial and justification and are ready for some honest insight
  • You are committed to keep moving forward at a pace that is both a bit of challenge and sustainable because staying stuck just sucks and you are ready to take a step and see what happens
  • You are willing to make the choice to see choices and then actually choose because you are done dithering
  • You are looking forward to a kick in the ass every now and then, enough said
  • You are actually excited to screw up.  Come on, you can think of a time when your greatest success was preceded by your biggest goof up
  • You are ready to actually own up to your part in things, no more blame and no more shame
  • You feel a momentary thrill when you shake your fist at the sky cursing followed quickly by a belly laugh at how absurd you are being
  • You are NOT super-glue attached to the problem and will NOT fight until the bitter end to be right about how wronged you are
  • You DON’T expect me to fix your problems.  It is totally cool that you want me (or anyone) to fix them, I get that!  But expecting me to is a whole ‘nother story.    As my favorite yoga instructor says, “I cannot do the pose for you and I cannot take your Advil for you”.  By the way, this is a cause for celebration because it means you are responsible for you–and just about nothing else.
  • You DON’T think you and your problems are special (in an icky way) and that no one else can possibly understand.
  • You don’t mind a little cussing now and then.  Not like I am a total potty mouth, but I do like the occasional F-bomb-which by the way was recently added to the Webster dictionary!

I have the most to offer clients who are asking one or more of these questions: