Exactly HOW do we do coaching?

We Talk It, You Walk It.   No kidding, that is HOW we do coaching,  want a little more detail? Keep reading

First things first; we talk, jabber, chit-chat, shoot the breeze.  Coaching is a process that is most effective with a great relationship at its foundation and since we are both going to be spending our time and energy together, don’t you think it makes sense that we see if we are good match?  Exactly how we evaluate our matchi-ness is a blend of gut instinct and practical considerations and that is best sorted out in a quick, complimentary 20-30 minute conversation.  Click here to contact me and start the process.

Then the fun really begins. After you do some homework that gets your pump primed for coaching, and gives me the scoop on you, we do an initial session where we talk about your focus, your desired results, what schedule you want to commit to, what you want from me and what I want from you.

From here, we do what we do: Communicate.  We will have phone calls (or skype) based on the schedule we negotiate, we will be in touch via email–as much as you want and we will get you walking where you want to go!

Hey, this is a good point for me to pause and let you know that when you look at the time and investment commitment you will note that I am open to all sorts of arrangements regarding schedule and pricing.  This is to emphasize that regardless of your income or your schedule I really do Coaching For The Rest Of Us.

Collaboration and Accountability

The most powerful influences on the rate and intensity of personal development are collaboration and accountability.  It is kind of like a secret sauce.  And just like all secret sauces, the ingredients are not really a mystery, the secret lies in the proportion of the ingredients and what the sauce will be served with.  Like a great chef (although I encourage you NOT to eat anything I cook) I have a great instinct for how to blend these two ingredients to bring out the very best in you so you can have the results you want.

Structured and Spontaneous

There are times you will need or want a structured, disciplined and focused process and other times we may find you are best served by a more spontaneous, relaxed and intuition driven process.  Let’s be open to both!  I don’t have a set program where we follow a prescribed outline; instead we do what is known in the coaching biz as co-creating aka customized to your specifications. This means that I will propose tools and methods that I think will serve you and then you will choose.  Or you will propose a tool or method (often a book) and we will work it together.

And this also means that we can have a set schedule or we can be more random and that I am available between sessions for those moments when the shit is hitting the fan or when you really want to get a hold on the fabulousness that is happening in the moment.

If you are ready for more, click here to find out about My Kind of Client.